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This section is under construction. Please read FAQ in Russian.

VO is always open for a registration. The newbies (every new user is automatically transferred to the group "Newbie") are not able to see some of the forum's sections and cannot download the videos from those sections respectively. To get a full access to the content (view the forum, download videos, and leave requests about ​updating download links) you have to be a member of one of the following user groups: "Users", "Active Users", "Checked".
You can see a table below which demonstrates your rights and conditions you have to fill to expand your rights and become a member of the group "Users", "Active Users" or "Checked". 

Every registered user on our website is automatically transferred to the user group «Newbie». This user group has limited access to the website's functions. You need to confirm your email address and give personal information about yourself in this thread. After that you will be transferred to group "Users". This user group has limited access to the website's functions. They are allowed to

• download music videos from the main page (HD blog) and SD-Zone;
• leave comments in the «General Forum» (to leave requests about updating download links).
«Active users» have the same rights as «Users», but they are also able to view the SD section of the forum, as well as to leave their requests about updating download links from the SD section of the forum. Transferring to this user group is applied by the Administration of the forum.
The transferring can be applied to a user after uploading 20 rare music videos of a high quality in HD or SD format (which are not presented on our website yet) in Test Forum (or by sending them to the Administrator using the internal messaging system of the website).
Every user can be punished for breaking the forum rules, posting the links to the other sites, misusing the trust of the administration and others. In this case all their privileges will be suspended, and the user himself will be transferred to the user group «Banned».
«Checked» (checked users, uploaders) have more rights in comparison to the «Active users». They have access to most sections of the forum, can leave their requests about music videos which they cannot find by themselves and report the dead links. Their requests have priority and are filled in the first place. Transferring to the user group «Checked» is applied by the forum Administration. The transferring can be applied to a user after contributing to the site which includes uploading of music videos (at least 80 music videos for the user group «Checked»).
If a user remains inactive on the forum for more than 90 days (no visiting and no uploading of videos) due to unknown reasons to the Administration, he will be transferred back to the user group «Active Users» after 30 days of his inactivity*.
«Friends» (friends of the site) - a closed user group, the elite of VideoObzor. These are the users who used to help us in course of a long period of time or are still helping to develop this site. The Administration does always remember them and their help, always appreciates it, and loves them. They have more rights in comparison to the user group «Checked» by having the access to all sections of the forum, including the section VideoObzor Exclusive. The uploading rules are not applied to this user group (with exception of the general rules). Transferring to the user group «Friends» is applied by the Administration. There are no criteria for transferring to this user group. A reason for this could be help and support to the website for a long period of time, remaining loyal to its concept, obeying the rules... and so on. The time always tells who is a true friend and who is not.
PS: We recommend you not to ask the questions like "When will I be transferred to the group «Friends»?" or "How to become a Friend?" or any similar questions. smile
«Moderator» is a deputy for the Administration of the site who is responsible for overseeing the whole site and keeping the website and forum in order. Transferring to this user group is applied to a user only by the user's own initiative and only after making this request to the Administration of the website.
«Forum Administrator» and «Site Administrator» - the users of the highest rank on the website who is in charge of the whole website, controlling the site and forum, and looking for the users' behavior and for obeying rules by them.



At this moment all users except "Friends" and "Uploader" can't upload music videos to the main page.

If you are the original file owner and you would like to upload your music video to our website, please send us an E-mail (admin@videoobzor.org).
If you are a music lover who ready to share free high-quality music videos, you can upload your videos in Test Forum.

There are several requirements for video's quality:
1) High-definition music videos: original Master ProRes or high-qulity MasterRip.
Video bitrate for 720p must be at least 10-15 Mbps, for 1080p - at least 20-30 Mbps. Please don't upload music videos from YouTube, VEVO, Tidal and so on.
2) Standard-definition music videos from official DVD, VHS, LaserDisc and so on. The rarity and high quality are the most important things in uploading. Please don't upload music videos from Promo Only UK/US, RockAmerica, ScreenPlay and other (including unofficial) DVDs.

Before uploading we strongly recommend to read Posting rules. In case everything is done right, your music videos will be moved from section "USER'S EXCHANGE" to main forum and/or main page.

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